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Annual General Meeting 2023

Notice is given that  Burley Minerals Limited (ASX: BUR, “Burley” or “the Company”) is convening an Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held as follows:

Date:  Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Time: 11.00am AWST (Meeting)

Location: Level 3, 30 Richardson Street, West Perth, Western Australia

In accordance with the section 110D of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), this Notice of Meeting and Explanatory Statement (together, Notice) are being made available to Shareholders electronically (by email) and the Company will not be dispatching physical copies of the Notice unless specifically requested to do so. Where the Company does not have a registered email address for Shareholders, the Notice will be available for download (below) or from the Company’s website at and on the Company’s ASX announcements platform.

A copy of your personalised proxy form (Proxy Form) is enclosed for convenience. Proxy votes may be lodged using any of the methods described in the “Lodging your Proxy Voting Form” section shown on your Proxy Form.